Prague public transport
PPT in General
Prague public transport (PPT) is one of the best ones in Europe. It consists from:
- Metro (3 lines)
- Trams (26 lines)
- Buses (125 lines)
- funicular (3 stops)
- and you can use some trains as well.
The PPT works from ± 4:50 - ± 0:20. Then there is quite good night PPT which is reduced compare to the day one (no metro, few (different) tram lines and buses, lower frequency).
Basically, you
can use all of these for the same tickets (except the trains which are going out
of the city zone and some buses - which I guess you won´t really use). The prices are depending on the time of your
ride and the category of passenger.
We have these categories of passengers: Adult, Child, Senior & 0-6/70+. (Adults pay the full fare, children (6-15) and seniors (65-70 years) half of it - but they need some special card - so it means full price. And every one under age of 6 or over 70 is for free.)
There are 2 kind ofor the PPTKde je koupit (U News agents, metro stations automats - mostly for coins, now even by CC, but most be contact
Dá se i smskou
Ale hlavně lítačka
Dá se platit
Kreditkou, nebo jen cash
Jak zavolat taxi - mávat, phone? Cena, platit CC?
JAk na letiště?
V docházková vzdálenost v centu většina věcí